All firms regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority are required to publish a summary of their workforce diversity data. All individuals who work at Harrisons Solicitors LLP have been encouraged to take part in our survey, but are under no obligation to do so.
To comply with Data Protection rules we have summarised the data obtained in such a way as to ensure no individual can be identified. A summary of the data provided by those who responded to our survey is summarised below.
Role Categories
Solicitors and other fee earners 41%
Managerial and support staff 59%
Prefer not to say 0%
16 – 24 6%
25 – 34 6%
35 – 44 29%
45 – 54 35%
55 – 64 18%
65+ 6%
Prefer not to say 0%
Male 12%
Female 88%
Prefer not to say 0%
Do you consider your gender identity to be different from your registered sex at birth?
Yes 0%
No 100%
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
No 82%
Yes 18%
Are your day to day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months?
Yes, limited a lot 0%
Yes, limited a little 12%
No 88%
Prefer not to say 0%
Ethnic Group
Asian/Asian British 0%
Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups 0%
White 100%
What is your religion or belief?
No religion or belief/Atheist 29%
Christian 59%
Any other religion 6%
Prefer not to say 6%
What is your sexual orientation?
Bi 0%
Heterosexual/straight 100%
Other 0%
Socio Economic Background (education) & caring responsibilities
Secondary Education
UK State School (non selective) 82%
Uk State run (selective) 6%
School outside the UK 12%
Prefer not to say 0%
What was the highest level of qualification achieved by either of your parent(s) or guardian(s) by the time you were 18
At least one has a degree level qualification 6%
Qualifications below degree level 24%
No formal qualifications 24%
Prefer no to say 6%
Primary carer for a child or children under 18
Yes 47%
No 53%
Caring responsibilities for other family members, friends, neighbours or others
None 94%
1 – 19 hours per week 6%
20 – 49 hours per week 0%
Prefer not to say 0%